Breaks & Joins: The journey so far…….
The story so far….Breaks & Joins began when a series of thoughts and ideas and people collided, including Sue Mayo & Chuck Blue Lowry meeting Mo Sumah and his drop in repair cafe, and realising how many kinds of mending were going on. THis linked to the importnace of understanding that not everything can be mended, and a strong desitre to live more sustainably in a time of CLimate and Ecological crisis. We began our research through conversation and visits, and then Sue, Chuck and Mo were joined by artist Amanda Mascarenhas and Peacebuilder Raj Bhari. Our Project Manager is Marine Begault, and our newsletter and zine artist is Tian Lin.
Being Human Festival
As part of the Being Human Festival we ran online mending workshops, discussions and conversation circles, thinking about mending our stuff, ourselves and our communities, with Raj Bhari, Ali Campbell, Sudip Chakraborthy, Chuck Blue Lowry, Sue Mayo, Claire McDonald, Rose Sinclair and Morlai Sumah.
You can get a flavour of it here

We began talking with three community organisations in Lewisham:
Lewisham Unity
Telegraph Hill Centre
Sydenham Garden
All amazing places and people who are already engaged in different kinds of repair, personal, practical, community……

What’s on Now!
Mend it with Mo: regular sessions on the first Monday of the month, at The Telegraph HIll Centre
Drop in to get advice and help from an expert on how to mend something
Community Conversations: One day Workshops with Raj Bhari on being a peace builder in your community. Suitable for anyone who volunteers, who wants to be a good neighbour, who wants to reflect on the impact of the last 18 months on their community. None scheduled at the moment but they will be back!
On the Mend: regular drop in workshops at Telegraph HIll Centre, to explore ideas around repair through gentle converstaion, art and creative writing. In 2023 sessions are October 9th – November 27th, 1-3.30 pm at Telegraph Hill Centre, just turn up.
Workshops in Birmingham and Manchester- email us for details
Workshops with the NHS at Lewsiham and Queen Elizabeth Hospitals
Filming with The National Theatre, Royal Albert Hall, Rotherhithe Shed, Civic Square, Craftspace and Lewsiham Hospital Garden
You can follow the story through the blog
We’re on Series 4 of our podcast
And in 2024, our new film!
To join the mailing list email